April 29, 2014

About us

The maintainer and editor of this website is the GIMA Szolnok Ipari Park Kft. that has undertaken the following missions:

  • Establishment of an up-to-date, highly developed business environment that provides competitive, operational and economic benefits for enterprises seated or to be seated at the Industrial Park and utilizing the services provided by the Industrial Park;
  • Fulfilment of an integrator function based on the Editor’s wide relationship network and decades of experts’ professional experience which serves to meet development needs;
  • Taking social responsibility by means of employing green and renewable energy production and storage technologies;
  • Facilitation of employing technologies ensuring efficient and minimal CO2 emission;
  • Establishment of a Technology Park and Green Industrial Park, a research and development centre besides the Industrial Park.

In order to support the above objectives, the Company decided on launching a web portal with cost-free availability in the form of a blog. The portals are aimed at providing useful cost-free information in the given subjects for organizations and private persons in the form of case studies, professional articles, business offers and an observer of current tender opportunities. The Editor will update the information at the portals he judges as useful on a monthly basis at least. The major objective of the portals is initiating and continuously maintaining a professional dialogue for experts of the concerned domains and for other interested parties, establishing professional and business relationships, presenting and introducing novelties, finding parties concerned in project opportunities that involve the Industrial Park, raising primarily local, national or regional professional problems and suggesting solutions to them. Addresses of the web portals:



Our high-priority objective is to primarily deal with advanced technologies and innovations whose implementation is a realistic aim under the conditions provided in Hungary, and to support the work of the interested parties by downloadable Excel tables. A further objective is to reveal regulations potentially hindering the dissemination of opportunities and innovations included in the scope of topics of the web portal. For those becoming newly familiar with the scope of topics, we provide answers to frequently asked questions, a thesaurus, a historical overview as well as introductions to professional organizations.








Further information on the scope of activities of the GIMA Szolnok Ipari Park is available at www.szolnokiiparipark.hu.

If you have questions, you can reach us by office@szolnokiiparipark.hu email address