Now we’ve had a few years of cloud adoption under our belts, it’s a good time to take a look at how some of the models are performing.
Now we’ve had a few years of cloud adoption under our belts, it’s a good time to take a look at how some of the models are performing.
We need to store all that data somewhere. Hard drives were our only resort a few decades ago. Today, cloud is the new frontier on the data storage land, brimming with features.
With worldwide e-commerce on the rise year after year, experiencing website downtime can be an expensive problem for business. But what are the real costs and is there anything that can be done to avoid it?
The world’s fourth largest computer manufacturer, Acer will launch laptop, tablet, smart phone and wearable items in the coming months , which will be then connected to its own cloud-building model (BYOC-Build Your Own Cloud).
The hardware and software company will invest 1 billion USD over the next two years to build its expanded cloud business. Their cloud will be the world’s first truly open, hybrid cloud.
After Google announced its drastic price reduction intention, in order to avoid the mass enticement, Amazon Web Services a day later similar information has released.
In many cases, public cloud computing is a great, cost-effective option – but not always
The notion that it’s a good idea to move data and applications to public cloud providers, or even private clouds, is not always true. In the majority of cases, using public clouds adds a great deal of value. However, in certain instances, cloud computing doesn’t make sense.
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